We want Beacon stories shared widely for free by other journalism organizations. We welcome and encourage you to republish our journalism. Please follow these rules.

  1. Give us credit, ideally in this format: “By Jane Reporter, The Kansas City Beacon.”
  2. If you publish online, include the hyperlinks in the story, and a link to the original article’s URL on our website.
  3. It’s fine to change the story to suit your in-house style (for example, using “Lawrence, Kan.” instead of “Lawrence.”) 
  4. If you make changes that are more significant than style tweaks — such as adding a comment from a local official — you need to include a note like this: “Additional reporting by Joe Reporter.” 
  5. You can publish our photos and graphics only with the stories with which they originally appeared. For any other uses, seek permission.
  6. Include the following at the end of the story: This story was originally published by The Kansas City Beacon, an online news outlet focused on local, in-depth journalism in the public interest.
  7. If you share the story on social media, please mention @kcbeacon (Twitter), @kcbeacon (Facebook) and @kcbeacon (Instagram). 
  8. Don’t sell the story. 
  9. Don’t sell ads against the story or place the story behind a paywall. Feel free, however, to publish it on a page surrounded by ads you’ve already sold. 

    Questions? Email scott@thebeacon.media